

Our engineers and technicians can develop new product solutions for every kind of standard and special application. Our technical office creates drawings, certificates, calculations, analyzes and causes internal and external audits.

In our well-stocked library, we have a complete documentation of all relevant standards and norms:

Standard Title
ANSI American National Standards Institute
ASNE American Society of Mechanical Engineers
B.S. British Standard
DIN German Institute for Standardization
EN European Norms
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission


Standards Title
DIN EN 61936-1 Power installations exceeding 1 kV a.c
IEC 60865-1 Short-circuit currents – Calculation of effects
DIN EN 60664-1
VDE 0110-1
Insulation coordination for equipment within low voltage systems
DIN EN 60071-1
VDE 0111-1
Insulation co-ordination
IEC 60060-1 General definitions and test requirements
DIN EN 60270
VDE 0434
High-voltage test techniques
DIN 43670-2
DIN 43671
Aluminium busbars
Copper busbars
DIN EN 62217
VDE 0441-1000
Polymeric insulators for indoor and outdoor use with a nominal voltage
> 1000 V – General definitions, test methods and acceptance criteria